Cookie Policy

1. Introduction

This Cookie Policy (“Policy”) explains how Kinp Group uses cookies, what types of cookies are used, for what purposes and how you can exercise your right to configure your browser and reject the use of any of them.

For this, it is necessary to emphasize that if you decide not to use certain cookies, some functionality of the site may be compromised, impairing your experience as a user.

2. What are cookies?

Cookies are text files containing small pieces of data that are stored on your computer or mobile device whenever you access a website. 

They are useful in allowing websites to function or work more efficiently, as well as providing information to website owners. Cookies enhance the user experience by allowing websites to read and write it, enabling them to recognize visitors and save important information that makes the use of the website more convenient for the visitor.

O navegador do usuário memoriza cookies no disco rígido somente durante a sessão atual, ocupando um espaço de memória mínima e não prejudicial ao computador. 

The user's browser memorizes cookies on the hard drive only during the current session, occupying minimal memory space and not harmful to the computer. Cookies do not contain any specific personal information and most of them are deleted from the hard drive once the browser session is closed (so-called session cookies).

Cookies are associated with the browser, not the person, for this reason they do not memorize sensitive information about you. The data we store is technical, statistical, personal preferences and content customization.

3. Consent

When accessing this website, and in accordance with current legislation on data protection, we make the use of cookies explicit, giving you the option to expressly consent and to have access to more information through this Cookies Policy.

You should be aware that if you continue browsing our website, you will consent to the use of cookies. But at any time you can change your mind and block its use through your browser.

This website complies with the legislation in force regarding the use of cookies and your personal data:

  • Brazilian General Data Protection Law (Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados) - n.º 13.709/2018);
  • Marco Civil da Internet – n.º 12.965/2014;
  • European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

4. Types of cookies

In order to provide you with a better experience, obtain analytical data, store and retrieve information about your browsing habits or that of your team and develop your activity, the Kinp Group website uses its own and third-party cookies.

5. Management and refusal of the use of cookies

The user can change or reject the use of cookies in his browser at any time. 

All cookies or only third-party cookies may be refused, as well as any of the cookies that are already on your device. For that, the user must consider the configuration of each browser and computer used, bearing in mind that cookies are associated with the browser.

If you have any questions about this Cookies Policy, please contact: